West Island Palliative Care Donor Engagement

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Goal – Donor engagement Our client West Island Palliative Care (the Residence) provides a unique environment of love and personal care to people who are facing the end of their lives through terminal illness. The charity has an active and passionate support base, many of who have had family members and close friends experience …

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Canadian Red Cross
Text Value Exchange

Goal – More monthly givers Canadian Red Cross asked Fundraising Direct to design and test new text value exchange programs to acquire monthly givers. The Canadian Red Cross has one of the largest monthly giving supporter files in Canada and an extensive ongoing program to convert existing supporters to monthly giving. They have also set …

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Text Value Exchange

Canadian Red Cross Text Value Exchange

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Goal – More monthly givers Canadian Red Cross asked Fundraising Direct to design and test new text value exchange programs to acquire monthly givers. The Canadian Red Cross has one of the largest monthly giving supporter files in Canada and an extensive ongoing program to convert existing supporters to monthly giving. They have also …

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Pop Up Restaurant

I was due to see Hiba at 3:30 on Friday Dec 2. I met her, Jamal at the social workers for an update meeting. Then we picked up the kids, then went shopping for all the food necessary for the pop up restaurant. We stopped at a shop for vegetables, fruits, herbs, then to a …

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Pop Up Restaurant

Our next-door neighbours (Sylvie & Tim) came to eat with us one day. Jamal and Hiba were also over visiting. A few days later Sylvie brought a magazine article talking about restaurants for a day, a movement that is big in Europe. Anyone can cook a meal, invite people in to eat your food and …

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French Language Courses

Due to a misunderstanding, Hiba and Jamal did not receive the invitation to the French courses. It was sent to the wrong address. The social worker happened to know the course was starting the next day and she called me for the background story, I gave her the Ministry of Immigration number and the ID …

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Sunday Meal

I was contacted by Gloria of Global News who had done the original story of them when they first arrived, asking if we could do an update on them. It was set up for Friday Nov 9. I arranged a translator (one of our fundraisers who speaks Arabic), and went to meet Jamal and Hiba …

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First Halloween

Halloween in 2016 falls on a Monday night. Not ideal since it’s a school night, but we figured we had to get Jamal, Hiba, Ahmed, and Ayham over to experience Halloween on our street that is famous for lots of kids and lots of houses handing out candy. They arrived about 5 pm, I had …

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Permanent Resident Cards

Jamal met another Syrian refugee who arrived after Jamal himself, and already has his Permanent Resident Card. Jamal and Hiba then asked me where is their card? I remember being told by a social worker early in the process that they normally arrive within 12 months so this is not something I had been thinking …

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