Creative solutions for Canada’s top not-for-profit and progressive organizations

Here’s a snapshot of some of the innovative solutions we’ve helped our clients launch

Heart & Stroke
Propensity Modeling

With the growth of Heart & Stroke’s monthly file being a strategic priority for the organisation, they asked Fundraising Direct to review the current approach to the conversion of cash supporters to monthly giving and to design a more effective strategy.
From a review of the historic program it became apparent that the monthly giving conversion approach could be improved through the use of data analytics and modelling techniques. After receiving the entire Heart & Stroke cash donor base, we set about identifying those supporters most likely to come on board with a monthly gift, and began building our strategic approach.
In order to acquire as many new monthly donors as possible in the most cost-effective manner, Fundraising Direct has developed a robust process for modelling supporter bases for their propensity, or likelihood, of coming on board with a monthly gift.
Results – COA reduced by 50%
The propensity modelling program delivered a Cost to Acquire that was 50% less than on previous campaigns to this audience, with a corresponding doubling of the ROI that was originally being delivered on this campaign.

Canadian Red Cross Text Value Exchange

Goal – More monthly givers
Canadian Red Cross asked Fundraising Direct to design and test a range of new programs to acquire monthly givers.
Solution – First-aid & disaster preparedness
Each campaign invited individuals to text in a simple SMS message to request their free guide – first aid or disaster preparedness. Text responses were collated and individuals were called back within 24 hours to arrange for delivery of the relevant guide, introduce the new supporter to the organization and ask if they would be willing to support the Canadian Red Cross with a monthly gift.
Strategy – International inspiration
Outside of Canada, mobile engagement has proven effective in acquiring high numbers of supporters who have a strong propensity to convert to monthly giving. We recommended two Text Value Exchange programs.
Results – A boost in monthly conversion
Conversion to monthly giving following the telephone call was higher than that typically seen when contacting the charities active house file demonstrating the willingness of this audience to give monthly despite that fact that these individuals had not previously financially supported the charity.

West Island Palliative Care Donor Engagement

Goal – Engage supporters
Our client West Island Palliative Care asked Fundraising Direct to create a direct mail pack that would not just generate cash gifts but would also engage supporters in a meaningful way with the Residence.
Solution – Freshly baked cakes
Supporters were asked to provide a cash gift to show their support to the charity. We included two further items in the appeal pack. The first was a recipe for one of the sweet treats regularly provided to residents – a recipe for Bob’s Peanut Butter Cookies. Secondly we also asked supporters to send a recipe for their own favourite sweet treat so that these could be prepared for terminally ill people at the residence.
Strategy – The importance of mission
We know that donors value and recognise the importance of the Residence’s mission to create a real home environment for people who are terminally ill. They are often willing to do more than just send in a donation.
Results – 19.25% response
The pack generated a 19.25% response vs the 11% target. Average gift value was $126.50 vs the $115 target. Overall the pack generated 46% more income than originally budgeted.

Words from our partners
Thanks to our partners at Fundraising Direct, we are always ready to launch an appeal at a moment’s notice. And at that moment, nothing is more important to me as a fundraiser than quickly reaching out to our amazing donors – donors who are always there for us when people in Canada or around the world are in need.
Jay Hollister
Director, National Donor Experience & Engagement | Canadian Red Cross